Thursday, 6 November 2014

Nuclear Fallout: 8km Mud Run with obstacles

Fundraising target achieved!

02/11/14 07:10 
Finished the mud run, phew!!! Lots of mud, some very cold water, some tricky obstacles... but lots of fun. Thanks to everyone that's supported, we're up to 65% of our target and some donations still coming in! :D

05/11/14 06:02
I still can't believe the race is over, but I've got a shiny medal to prove it hehe. Thanks to everyone that's sponsored, we've reached our target of £200. All thanks to you guys!


As promised, pictures from the event:

8km of muddy running, with plenty of obstacles...

Before the race: clean and smiling!

Tough going on London Clay

A mountain of haybales. Flashbacks of summer!

The Deathslide! Definitely one of the more exciting obstacles.

Mud, mud, everywhere.

Crossing the finish line!