The Blog - A Ranger, Ranging Far
I created this blog to share some of my experiences, in the spheres of nature conservation and travel. Life is a journey, and I'd like to share a little of my journey with others. So, through this blog you can receive snippets of life, viewed in various places and through a somewhat green-tinted lens.“Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.” - Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Person - Tom Heenan, BSc (Hons), MCMA
I grew up in the Epping Forest area, and acting on a long-standing passion for the natural world I went to University in Wales to study Zoology and Conservation. I have been working and volunteering in nature conservation since graduating, first with a placement in Hungary (through EuCAN), then working as a volunteer Ranger up in Scotland. After gaining experience with a variety of organisations in both paid and voluntary roles, I am working as a Ranger back in the East of England. I currently hold the position of East of England region coordinator in the Countryside Management Association.My other interest and topic of this blog is Travel. What is Travel really, but moving beyond our own idea of the ordinary? Visiting new places is a fantastic way to open up one's mind, and through travelling in the UK, Europe and further afield I have developed an interest in landscapes, histories, cultures and languages. But even a wander in your local area can become an adventure when looking with eyes wide open.
"One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things." - Henry Miller

Tweets by @TorHeenan